Sustainable OR

Start learning about Sustainable OR

The Clinical Learning Hub aims to give insights and training that may be needed to drive change and advance patient outcomes within your healthcare organisation.  

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Turning the operating room green: how can we help to make it happen?


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Achieving sustainability safely Prioritising the safety of patients in a sustainable way

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A multinational case study to evaluate and quantify time-saving by using custom procedure trays for operating room efficiency”

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Mölnlycke® procedure trays brings more efficiency and comfort to surgical department

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Revolutionising surgical procedures at the Umberto Parini Regional Hospital

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Driving efficiencies in operating theatres

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Set new standards with next-level customised solutions Mölnlycke® Procedure Trays

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Episode1: Start making a change now! You can do it!


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Achieving sustainability safely: Prioritising the safety of patients in a sustainable way