Value based health care
Value based healthcare is not about the price of care but takes into consideration both the outcomes important to patients, and the cost of the resources invested in delivering that care. For clinical staff and procurement professionals, quick, pragmatic decision-making should take both outcomes and cost into consideration.
Start learning about Value based health care
The Clinical Learning Hub aims to give insights and training that may be needed to drive change and advance patient outcomes within your healthcare organisation.
Check out the value based healthcare education related materials below:
Introduction to health economics and wound care
5 min
Value in Health Care Delivery: Value requires quality first
Chronic wounds: Recognising a new disease
39 min
The role of the healthcare provider in delivering value
Value and efficiencies in wound care that can be repeated to make savings sustainable
Pressure ulcers: how big is the problem?
15 min
Introducing Value-Based Health Care for wounds, part 1
21 min
How to implement Value-Based wound care in your practice, part 2
29 min
Value-Based Supply: Re-imagining Value from Within
15 min
Value-Based Supply: Dynamic competencies and the power of digital transformation
15 min